Thank you for visiting Traci’s website.

Appearances: To request an in-person or virtual speaking engagement (conferences, schools, and libraries), please click the “Event Request Form” on her Author’s Unbound Speaking Profile. Traci cannot accept requests for complimentary appearances due to commitments she has already made with various groups.

Visit Traci's Press Kit to download her bio, headshot, CV or any book covers.

Publication Rights or New Projects: For inquiries regarding publication rights for any of Traci’s works or to request her participation in new writing-related projects, please contact Emily Mitchell at Wernick & Pratt Agency.

Book Blurbs: Traci is not currently open to requests for book blurbs.

Authenticity/Sensitivity Reads: Traci does not provide authenticity/sensitivity reads (for a fee or otherwise).

Donations: Traci has made commitments to various groups and cannot accept additional requests for complimentary books or appearances at this time.